FREE! ‘Art in the Courtyard’: Presented by California Stage and Social Distance Theater!
Date: Sunday November 15, 2020
Time: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
FREE – No Admission
Fourteen local and masked artists will present their work for sale in an outdoor courtyard at California Stage (1725 25th Street, Sacramento).

A variety of art forms will be covered: Ceramics, Collages, Acrylic, Oil and Watercolor paintings, Etchings, Photographs, Stained Glass, Sculptures, Tiles, Greeting Cards, and Woodcuts.
The local artists include:
Jane Black, Mardi Dalzell, Micky Abby, Roy Tatman, Sue Torgren, Jim Coats, Anna Skacel, Natalie Thiele, Peggy Lingard, Roger Tiebout, Stephany Pearson and Jennifer Tachera.
Also featuring: a special sale from a local collector of world art!
Image is attached: (Mardi Dalzell with one of her recent works of art).
Masks and social distancing precautions must be followed by all attendees.